The Stomping Ground #54 13/12/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #144 11/12/2024
The Stomping Ground Returns 6/12/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #143 4/12/2024
Pissmas 5 1/12/2024
Ultimate Singles
Super Sunshine Smash X Vichub: End of an Era (November 2024) 24/11/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
L6 | DD | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
L5 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
L3 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Sriks |
L2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Dalmnation |
L1 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | DropBear |
CWQLD | November Ranbat 2024 23/11/2024
Temple Smash #141 20/11/2024
Pixel Smash #251 18/11/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | Mexi | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | phosphor1111 |
RMIT Games Day #13 17/11/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Storm the Castle #21 16/11/2024
Ultimate Singles Top 8
Smash@Swanston #16 15/11/2024
Pōneke Popoff #108 - Hob Goodbye Local 13/11/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
L1 | Lunchbillion | 2 - 0 | BeCrab |
Pincadia Pummel 33 13/11/2024
Ultimate Singles
L11 | Lainey | 2 - 1 | salmongain |
Offstage #92 11/11/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Pixel Smash #250 10/11/2024
Okay this is Epping #32 10/11/2024
Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2024 2/11/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
L5 | Skinny_Pat | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
Temple Smash #139 30/10/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
L3 | TonkaDonka | 3 - 2 | Aloly |
L2 | Aloly | 3 - 0 | Phyco |
Pixel Smash #248 28/10/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
W2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | phosphor1111 |
Pixel Smash #247 21/10/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L6 | Slimboy17 | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
L5 | Aloly | 3 - 0 | Pelipper Piccolo |
W4 | SebPro101 | 3 - 0 | Aloly |
W3 | Aloly | 3 - 0 | VTPooks |
W2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | phosphor1111 |
College Dropout #13 2/10/2024
RMIT Games Day #11 29/09/2024
FILTHY 20 28/09/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
Wellington Ranbats 22/09/2024 22/09/2024
CWQLD | September Ranbat 2024 21/09/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
Smash@Swanston #9 20/09/2024
Ulti Singles Bracket
L3 | NoTechNeek | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
Pixel Smash #242 16/09/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L6 | P9 | 3 - 0 | Aloly |
L5 | Aloly | 3 - 1 | Pelipper Piccolo |
W2 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | Deku Meister |
VIC Arcadian 4 7/09/2024
Temple Smash #131 4/09/2024
Pixel Smash #240 2/09/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
W2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | FroggSocks |
Floating Point 2024 1/09/2024
Ultimate Singles
Offstage Floating Point Edition 29/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Offstage 86 26/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
RMIT Games Day #10 25/08/2024
Super Barista Bros, Reviving tote is next week 25/08/2024
Ultimate Singles
Offstage #85 19/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Ranbats Invades Respawn Platform 18/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | spac | 2 - 0 | BeCrab |
W1 | dingdongkid | 2 - 0 | spac |
Super Barista Bros, Glowing mote is 2 weeks away 18/08/2024
Ultimate Singles
Dancing Blade 46 17/08/2024
Pixel Smash #237 12/08/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
W3 | Pelipper Piccolo | 3 - 0 | Aloly |
Footscray Fight Club #3 11/08/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
L4 | Aloly | 3 - 2 | DragonKnight |
L2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | RenderedSpy |
Manawatu Iron Smash Tournament #14 7/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Round Robin
W2 | Supreme Potato | 1 - 0 | HadoukingNZ |
Offstage 84 5/08/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Offstage 82 23/07/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Super Barista Bros, Sign Up For Floating Point 21/07/2024
Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #124 17/07/2024
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #199 17/07/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W5 | Joey | 2 - 1 | Toasted_Panini |
Okay this is Epping 29 14/07/2024
Ultimate Singles
Offstage 80 10/07/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Phantom 2024 7/07/2024
Ultimate Singles
Pre-Phantom Stomping Ground 5/07/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Offstage #79 1/07/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Super Barista Bros The Boy’s are leaving again 30/06/2024
Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #51 28/06/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
College Dropout #2 26/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Teehee! | 2 - 1 | gobby girl |
Temple Smash #121 26/06/2024
Pixel Smash #230 24/06/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
W2 | DD | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | TonkaDonka |
City Diggers 108 24/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
RMIT Games Day #8 23/06/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Dancing Blade #44 22/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
L2 | Legacy | 3 - 1 | Roboticjo |
W1 | Toasted_Panini | 3 - 1 | Roboticjo |
Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #50 21/06/2024
Temple Smash #120 19/06/2024
Pixel Smash #229 17/06/2024
Offstage #77 17/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Cheese League June 2024 - Ultimate & Melee 16/06/2024
Super Sunshine Smash June 2024 16/06/2024
The Stomping Ground #49 14/06/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | phosphor1111 |
L1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Daaronaaronax |
Temple Smash #119 12/06/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
MegaLAN T2: Steampunk 9/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Okay this is Epping 28 8/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #48 7/06/2024
Curtin Call #15 6/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Meatwagon222 | 2 - 0 | Teehee! |
Pixel Smash #227 3/06/2024
Offstage 76 3/06/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
BAM 14 2/06/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BAM 2024]
W3 | Pelipper Piccolo | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
WellingtonFGC Ranbats 02/06/2024 2/06/2024
Smash Ultimate Bracket
Super Barista Bros Bam and the boys are gone 2/06/2024
Ultimate Singles
The Bashtion #4 30/05/2024
Temple Smash #117 29/05/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
WeeklyVac #190 28/05/2024
Pixel Smash #226 27/05/2024
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #192 22/05/2024
Offstage 74 20/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Super Sunshine Smash May 2024 19/05/2024
Super Barista Bros, Give me back lethal tempo 19/05/2024
Ultimate Singles
Storm the Castle #15 18/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Top 8
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Hambats Mighty Monthly May 2024 18/05/2024
The Stomping Ground #47 17/05/2024
Pōneke Popoff #82 - Greedy TOs Edition 15/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Widdershin | 2 - 1 | Cipherus |
Offstage 73 13/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Okay this is Epping 27 11/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #46 10/05/2024
Temple Smash #114 8/05/2024
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #190 8/05/2024
Pixel Smash #223 6/05/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L4 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | White Girl Save Me |
W3 | Piggins | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
Offstage #72 6/05/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
WeeklyVac #186 23/04/2024
The Stomping Ground #43 19/04/2024
Temple Smash #111 17/04/2024
Pixel Smash #220 15/04/2024
Offstage 70 15/04/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Okay this is Epping #26 13/04/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #42 12/04/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | TonkaDonka |
W2 | Nerpna | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Daaronaaronax |
Temple Smash #110 10/04/2024
The Action 2: Action Replay 7/04/2024
Action 2 Gold Ammies
L5 | Toasted_Panini | 3 - 2 | Roboticjo |
L4 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Doozy |
L3 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | HooperMassiveBlackHole |
L2 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | IntenseQuack |
W2 | angelcoolchomp | 2 - 1 | Roboticjo |
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2024 6/04/2024
The Stomping Ground #41 5/04/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
BonusVac #40 5/04/2024
Temple Smash #109 3/04/2024
Offstage 69 1/04/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Respawn Platform #63 31/03/2024
Pincadia Pummel 1 27/03/2024
Ultimate Singles
L2 | nyaoki | 2 - 0 | salmongain |
City Diggers 96 25/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Game Expo 2024 24/03/2024
Smash Ultimate - The Game Expo
The Stomping Ground #40 22/03/2024
Temple Smash #107 20/03/2024
Offstage 67 18/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
RMIT Games Day #5 17/03/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
L5 | Xav | 3 - 2 | Aloly |
L4 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | Skinny_Pat |
Super Barista Bros, Enlist today 17/03/2024
Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #39 15/03/2024
BonusVac #39 15/03/2024
Temple Smash #106 13/03/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
Pixel Smash #215 11/03/2024
City Diggers 94 11/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Sunshine Smash March 2024 10/03/2024
Big Cheese League March 2024 - Ultimate & Melee 10/03/2024
Okay this is Epping #25 9/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
L2 | Paristhecoolbat | 2 - 1 | Roboticjo |
W2 | drasi | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W5 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Sushi |
W4 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Joxic |
W3 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | germanpogostick |
W2 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Blue22 |
W1 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Jezmamanezma |
Temple Smash #105 6/03/2024
Ultimate Singles gaming
Enigma #117 4/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | Brendy777 | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
City Diggers #93 4/03/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Barista Bros, Let him cook 🔥🐻👩🏿🍳 3/03/2024
Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2024 2/03/2024
OffStage #66 26/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
RMIT Games Day #4 25/02/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Victory Road 7 24/02/2024
Ultimate Bracket
The Stomping Ground #36 23/02/2024
BonusVac #38 23/02/2024
Offstage #65 19/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Footscray Fight Club #2 18/02/2024
Dancing Blade #40 17/02/2024
Ultimate Singles
L1 | Thegoras | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
Storm the Castle #12 17/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Top 8
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Offstage #64 12/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Super Duper Sunshine 11/02/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles
Cheese League February 2024 - Ultimate 11/02/2024
Okay this is Epping #24 10/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Pro Bracket
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Duper Pixel Smash 8/02/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #178 7/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W3 | Kinaji | 2 - 1 | Toasted_Panini |
The Super Duper Stomping Ground 5/02/2024
OffStage #63 5/02/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
Super Barista Bros, I want to go back 4/02/2024
CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2024 3/02/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pools
W4 | Honk | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 1 | moralcstar |
Sets by the Sea 2 3/02/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Top 12
L3 | Thrillhouse | 3 - 1 | Roboticjo |
L2 | Roboticjo | 2 - 1 | Jam |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W6 | Thrillhouse | 2 - 1 | Roboticjo |
W5 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | IntenseQuack |
W4 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | BloodMoon |
W3 | Plump | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W2 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Strange |
W1 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Miss Inputs |
BonusVac #37 2/02/2024
Pixel Smash #209 29/01/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Offstage #62 29/01/2024
Ultimate Singles Double Elimination
RMIT Games Day #3 28/01/2024
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles Bracket
Super Barista Bros, Guess Who’s Back? 28/01/2024
Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #98 24/01/2024
Pixel Smash #208 22/01/2024
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Cheese League January 2024 - Ultimate 21/01/2024
Super Barista Bros, Canadian Jays Whimsical Adventures 21/01/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Guf n' Watch #37 20/01/2024
Respawn Platform #60 20/01/2024
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Lunchbillion | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
The Temple Smash Inbetween 17/01/2024
Super Sunshine Smash January 2024 14/01/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles Pools
Guf n' Watch #36 13/01/2024
Smash Ultimate Singles tie breaker
W2 | Aloly | 3 - 2 | Skinny_Pat |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W7 | Piggins | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
W6 | Nerpna | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
W5 | Skinny_Pat | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
W4 | Aloly | 3 - 1 | DragonKnight |
W3 | Aloly | 3 - 0 | Lokh_ND |
BonusVac #36 12/01/2024
Pixel Smash #206 8/01/2024
Super Barista Bros, 2024 edition 7/01/2024
Ultimate Singles
CouchWarriors January Ranbat 2024 6/01/2024
The Stomping Ground #31 5/01/2024
Temple Smash #95 20/12/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Pōneke Popoff #62 - The Final Popoff (for the year) 20/12/2023
City Diggers Christmas 2023 18/12/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors Crossup 2023 17/12/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWCM]
Guf n' Watch #33 @ GUF Bendigo 16/12/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L5 | Lokh_ND | 3 - 0 | RAMBO |
L4 | Lokh_ND | 3 - 1 | Skinny_Pat |
W3 | DragonKnight | 3 - 0 | RAMBO |
W2 | RAMBO | 2 - 0 | Lokh_ND |
W1 | RAMBO | 2 - 0 | Gamerfreak302 |
Super Barista Bros, Japan On The Horizon 😍✌️🛫🗾 16/12/2023
Temple Smash #94 13/12/2023
WeeklyVac #171 13/12/2023
Pixel Smash #204 11/12/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Cheese League December 2023 - Ultimate 10/12/2023
350 Free For All #27 9/12/2023
Okay this is Epping #22 9/12/2023
The Stomping Ground #29 8/12/2023
BonusVac #34 8/12/2023
Temple Smash #93 6/12/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
WeeklyVac #170 6/12/2023
Pissmas 4 3/12/2023
Ultimate Singles
Wellington FGC Ranbats 03/12/2023 3/12/2023
Smash Ultimate Bracket
L1 | Yberrie | 2 - 0 | Grove |
W2 | Smithereens | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
WeeklyVac #169 29/11/2023
Respawn Platform #58 26/11/2023
The Stomping Ground #27 24/11/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
City Diggers 83 23/11/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #91 22/11/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #169 22/11/2023
UPOV 169 Redemption
W3 | COpPeR3076 | 2 - 0 | TheFakeOllie |
WeeklyVac #168 22/11/2023
Pixel Smash #201 20/11/2023
Super Barista Bros, 2nd Last SBB For The Year 19/11/2023
Hambats Mighty Monthly November 2023 18/11/2023
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 Bracket
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #168 15/11/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W3 | KyeChimera | 2 - 1 | MAMP |
WeeklyVac #167 15/11/2023
Cheese League November 2023 - Ultimate 12/11/2023
Pixel Smash #200 12/11/2023
The Stomping Ground #25 10/11/2023
Temple Smash #89 8/11/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
WeeklyVac #166 8/11/2023
Wellington FGC Ranbats 05/11/2023 5/11/2023
Okay This Is Epping #21 5/11/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2023 4/11/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Sets by the Sea 4/11/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Stomping Ground #24 3/11/2023
Temple Smash #88 1/11/2023
Super Barista Bros, Moey’s return 29/10/2023
Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #87 25/10/2023
WeeklyVac #164 25/10/2023
Super Sunshine Smash October 2023 22/10/2023
Storm the Castle #9 21/10/2023
Ultimate Singles Top 12
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W5 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Plushie Princess |
W4 | Pondi | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W3 | Fai | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W2 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | Monkey pilot |
W1 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | JayBird |
Temple Smash #86 18/10/2023
Big Cheese 4 15/10/2023
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools
Super Barista Bros, there's always a bigger cheese 15/10/2023
The SAUCE: Double Trouble 14/10/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
L2 | Toasted_Panini | 2 - 1 | Thegoras |
The Medium Cheese 2023 12/10/2023
WeeklyVac: Small Cheese 2023 11/10/2023
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #163 11/10/2023
Lemon League October - 2023 8/10/2023
Okay This Is Epping #20 8/10/2023
Ultimate Singles
The Stomping Ground #20 6/10/2023
Big Games Night Out 5/10/2023
BGNO Super Smash Bros Ultimate Bracket
C’Town Beatdown #37 5/10/2023
Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #163 4/10/2023
Pixel Smash #194 2/10/2023
Super Barista Bros - the vertigo incident 1/10/2023
Storm the Castle #8 30/09/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W7 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | KingEngine |
W5 | BigMrAMan | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W4 | Smasio | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W2 | ElliotMK | 2 - 1 | Roboticjo |
W1 | Roboticjo | 2 - 1 | The Chuckstah |
Temple Smash #83 28/09/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
WeeklyVac #162 27/09/2023
Pixel Smash #193 25/09/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Super Barista Bros, Time to Rob a Bank 24/09/2023
BonusVac #30 22/09/2023
C’Town BeatDown #36 21/09/2023
Ultimate Singles Ultimate Singles
L4 | CloudyOCE | 3 - 1 | Roboticjo |
L3 | Roboticjo | 2 - 0 | germanpogostick |
W2 | Paristhecoolbat | 2 - 0 | Roboticjo |
W1 | Roboticjo | 2 - 1 | S0o0op |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #160 20/09/2023
WeeklyVac #161 20/09/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | Queen | 2 - 1 | Moonlight |
L1 | Tacotician | 2 - 1 | Lyoko |
W2 | Moonlight | 2 - 0 | Lyoko |
W1 | Lyoko | 2 - 0 | Allidoisgame1 |
Pixel Smash #192 18/09/2023
Baiting Camping & Fishing 2 16/09/2023
MegaLAN T3 Full Blossom 16/09/2023
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #159 13/09/2023
WeeklyVac #160 13/09/2023
Pixel Smash #191 11/09/2023
Cheese League September 2023 - Ultimate 10/09/2023
C'Town Beat Down #35 7/09/2023
Ultimate Singles Round Robin
W7 | Fai | 3 - 0 | Kanga |
W6 | Paristhecoolbat | 3 - 1 | Fai |
W5 | Fai | 3 - 0 | ChuJelly?~ |
W4 | Fai | 3 - 0 | Bonsai |
W2 | Fai | 3 - 2 | Gong | Patch |
W1 | Fai | 3 - 0 | angelcoolchomp |
WeeklyVac #159 30/08/2023
Floating Point 27/08/2023
Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #158 23/08/2023
Pixel Smash #188 21/08/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Temple Smash #78 16/08/2023
WeeklyVac #157 16/08/2023
Pixel Smash #186 14/08/2023
Murdoch Monthly - August 2023 13/08/2023
Ultimate Singles Round Robin
W3 | Fryd Ryce | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
Footscray Fight Club #1 13/08/2023
Cheese League August 2023 - Ultimate 13/08/2023
Guf n' Watch #25 @ GUF Bendigo 12/08/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles. Bracket
W2 | Samsungintheshower | 3 - 0 | Storm_ |
The Stomping Ground #15 11/08/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #77 9/08/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Pixel Smash #185 7/08/2023
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2023 5/08/2023
BonusVac #27 4/08/2023
WeeklyVac #155 2/08/2023
Pixel Smash #184 31/07/2023
The Stomping Ground #13 28/07/2023
Smashfest - 26th July 2023 26/07/2023
Pixel Smash #183 24/07/2023
The SAUCE #59 24/07/2023
The Stomping Ground #12 21/07/2023
Temple Smash #74 19/07/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Castle Smashers 21 13/07/2023
Ultimate singles Bracket
Temple Smash #73 12/07/2023
Cheese League July 2023 - Ultimate 9/07/2023
BonusVac #26 7/07/2023
WeeklyVac #151 5/07/2023
WeeklyVac #150 28/06/2023
Escape Portal Smashfest 28/06/23 28/06/2023
Pixel Smash #179 26/06/2023
The Stomping Ground #8 23/06/2023
Temple Smash #70 21/06/2023
The Stomping Ground #7 16/06/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #69 14/06/2023
WeeklyVac #148 14/06/2023
BAM 13 11/06/2023
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2023]
BAM 13 Salty Suite 8/06/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
L3 | Skinny_Pat | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
W2 | Bro1 | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | moralcstar |
Castle smashers #16 8/06/2023
WeeklyVac #147 7/06/2023
Super Sunshine Smash June 2023 4/06/2023
Cheese League June 2023 - Ultimate 4/06/2023
WeeklyVac #146 31/05/2023
Offstage #43 29/05/2023
KnockOut Series: Monthly #4 28/05/2023
Ultimate Singles
L21 | Jauntyweb | 2 - 0 | MinuteDestroyer |
BonusVac #24 26/05/2023
Castle Smashers 14.8 (Off Week) 25/05/2023
Temple Smash #66 24/05/2023
Escape Portal Smashfest 24/05/2023 24/05/2023
City Diggers #58 22/05/2023
The Stomping Ground #4 19/05/2023
Temple Smash #65 17/05/2023
WeeklyVac #144 17/05/2023
Cheese League May 2023 - Ultimate 13/05/2023
The Stomping Ground #3 12/05/2023
Temple Smash #64 10/05/2023
Ultimate Singles linvala
WeeklyVac #143 10/05/2023
Escape Portal Smashfest 10/05/2023 10/05/2023
Smashfest - 10th May 2023 Bracket
L3 | Impr0ve | 2 - 1 | steam buns |
Pixel Smash #172 8/05/2023
CouchWarriors May Ranbat 2023 6/05/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Okay this is Epping 16 6/05/2023
The Stomping Ground #2 5/05/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Temple Smash #63 3/05/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #140 3/05/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | Thegoras | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
The Sauce #55 1/05/2023
The SAUCE #55 Redemption
L1 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Eva |
Dreamhack 2023 30/04/2023
Arcadian - Beginners Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket
Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage
L4 | Ignis | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
L2 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | DoubleDair |
W2 | Snap | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | TheVegabus |
SA Arcadian 3 30/04/2023
Temple Smash #62 26/04/2023
Pōneke Popoff #28 26/04/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Smithereens | 2 - 0 | Ki1chu |
Pixel Smash #170 24/04/2023
KnockOut Series: Monthly #3 23/04/2023
Super Barista Bros Eid Mubarak 23/04/2023
The Stomping Ground #1 21/04/2023
Temple Smash #61 19/04/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
WeeklyVac #141 19/04/2023
Escape Portal Smashfest 19/04/2023 19/04/2023
Pixel Smash #169 17/04/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Cheese League April 2023 - Ultimate 15/04/2023
Temple Smash #60 12/04/2023
Ultimate Singles gaming
City Diggers Esports #53 11/04/2023
Pixel Smash #168 10/04/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
FILTHY 3 8/04/2023
Ultimate Singles
L15 | Synrosu | 2 - 0 | Exclin |
W10 | boingboing | 2 - 1 | Exclin |
W9 | Exclin | 2 - 0 | BattleDolphin |
W8 | Exclin | 2 - 1 | OrcaShmorka |
L3 | Pram | 2 - 1 | Exclin |
L2 | Exclin | 2 - 0 | Kaboose |
W2 | Spectre | 2 - 0 | Exclin |
Temple Smash #59 5/04/2023
WeeklyVac #139 5/04/2023
Pixel Smash #167 3/04/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2023 1/04/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #138 29/03/2023
Cheese League March 2023 - Ultimate 26/03/2023
350 Free For All #13 25/03/2023
Ultimate Singles 1v1 Pools
L1 | DaWests | 3 - 1 | Hope Chest |
W1 | manu | 3 - 1 | Hope Chest |
WeeklyVac #137 22/03/2023
Super Sunshine Smash March 2023 19/03/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Respawn Platform #40 19/03/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Widdershin | 2 - 1 | BokoBoy |
Wild West Fridays #6 17/03/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | Skinny_Pat | 3 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | Beefy | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
Temple Smash #56 15/03/2023
Pixel Smash #164 13/03/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | Derris-Kharlan | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
The Game Expo 12/03/2023
Super Barista Bros, Bye Bye Bihate 12/03/2023
Friday Night Smash 343 10/03/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
L2 | Litty | 2 - 1 | Exclin |
W1 | Spec1alist | 2 - 1 | Exclin |
Wild West Fridays #5 10/03/2023
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #132 8/03/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W4 | Ants | 3 - 1 | KyeChimera |
Pixel Smash #162 6/03/2023
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2023 4/03/2023
WeeklyVac #134 1/03/2023
Escape Portal Smashfest 01/03/2023 1/03/2023
Super Barista Bros, Don't get hit 26/02/2023
Friday Night Smash 341 24/02/2023
Wild West Fridays #3 24/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | WeToxicFew | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
W1 | Scobo | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
BonusVac #21 24/02/2023
WeeklyVac #133 22/02/2023
Super Sunshine Smash February 2023 19/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Dancing Blade #29 18/02/2023
Ultimate Singles
W2 | Toasted_Panini | 2 - 0 | Waveguider |
Friday Night Smash 340 17/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #52 15/02/2023
Ultimate Singles linvala
Cheese League February 2023 - Ultimate 11/02/2023
FILTHY 11/02/2023
Super Bowlo Bros #3 7/02/2023
Respawn Platform #37 5/02/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Zingar | 2 - 0 | Widdershin |
CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2023 4/02/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #50 1/02/2023
Ultimate Singles linvala
L2 | Gravity | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
W1 | Skinny_Pat | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
WeeklyVac #130 1/02/2023
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 127 1/02/2023
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #127 Redemption
L4 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 1 | CarSeatus |
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L8 | Joey | 3 - 2 | Waveguider |
W3 | Waveguider | 2 - 1 | Legacy |
Pixel Smash #157 30/01/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
Friday Night Smash 337 27/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #49 25/01/2023
Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #129 25/01/2023
Pixel Smash #156 23/01/2023
Pixel SMASH Bracket
The Action 22/01/2023
The Action Bronze Ammies
W3 | Waveguider | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
350 Free for All #9 21/01/2023
WeeklyVac #128 18/01/2023
Temple Smash #48 18/01/2023
Pōneke Popoff #14 18/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Dull_Bulb | 3 - 0 | Widdershin |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #126 18/01/2023
Ultimate Singles
W1 | Cameroni | 2 - 0 | Waveguider |
Cheese League January 2023 - Ultimate 15/01/2023
Friday Night Smash 335 13/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Pōneke Popoff #13 11/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Dull_Bulb | 3 - 0 | Widdershin |
WeeklyVac #127 11/01/2023
Tech-it Tuesday 1 10/01/2023
Ultimate singles Bracket
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2023 7/01/2023
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #46 4/01/2023
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Friday Night Smash 333 30/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Friday Night Smash 332 23/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Offstage #29 19/12/2022
The Knee 2 Nowhere 17/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Fisic | 2 - 0 | Swiitch U. |
W2 | Qizou | 2 - 0 | Swiitch U. |
Pixel Smash #150 11/12/2022
EBS Ultimate #119 6/12/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | breadcyclone | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
L1 | Aloly | 2 - 0 | Jia |
W1 | Willdan | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
Pissmas 3 4/12/2022
Ultimate Singles
Respawn Platform #34 4/12/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Widdershin | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
W1 | LooseGoose | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
CouchWarriors December Ranbat 2022 3/12/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Friday Night Smash 328 25/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Temple Smash #43 23/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
EBS Ultimate #117 22/11/2022
CouchWarriors CrossUp 2022 20/11/2022
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [CWC 2022]
Respawn Platform #33 20/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | BoBert | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
W1 | Smithereens | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
Christchurch Ranbats 2022 #10 19/11/2022
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket
L3 | cheese | 2 - 0 | Swiitch U. |
L2 | Swiitch U. | 2 - 0 | wicca |
W1 | yuall90 | 2 - 0 | Swiitch U. |
Friday Night Smash 327 18/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
W8 | OrcaShmorka | 2 - 0 | Synrosu |
BonusVac #18 18/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Wellington Ranbats 13/11/2022 13/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
L2 | Unladen | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
W1 | AlastairBL | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
Friday Night Smash 326 11/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Respawn Platform #32 6/11/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Taurii | 2 - 0 | Yberrie |
W1 | Smithereens | 2 - 1 | Yberrie |
Friday Night Smash 325 4/11/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
L13 | ClassicJono | 2 - 1 | Exclin |
L12 | Exclin | 2 - 0 | NaCl |
L11 | Exclin | 2 - 0 | peepeebridge |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 117 2/11/2022
EBS Ultimate #114 1/11/2022
Pixel Smash #145 31/10/2022
Big Cheese 3 29/10/2022
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 116 26/10/2022
City Diggers Esports 39 25/10/2022
Friday Night Smash 323 21/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
BonusVac #17 21/10/2022
Smash at JoJo's 4 16/10/2022
Friday Night Smash 322 14/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Secret Round Robin Evac 14/10/2022
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 114 12/10/2022
Friday Night Smash 321 7/10/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #117 5/10/2022
WeeklyVac #116 28/09/2022
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 112 28/09/2022
Friday Night Smash 319 23/09/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
WeeklyVac #115 21/09/2022
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 111 21/09/2022
Friday Night Smash 318 16/09/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
Escape Portal Smashfest 14/09/22 14/09/2022
Vic Arcadian 2 10/09/2022
VIC Arcadian Singles
WeeklyVac #113 7/09/2022
Escape Portal Smashfest 07/09/22 7/09/2022
Smashfest - 7th September 2022 Bracket
W1 | Stitchiie | 2 - 0 | RosatheDrummerGirl3 |
Dreamhack 2022 4/09/2022
Smash Ultimate - DH Melb - CouchWarriors Stage
W2 | Pelipper Piccolo | 2 - 0 | Kr0nk | Frost |
Escape Portal Smashfest 31/08/22 31/08/2022
Super Barista Bros, STEEEEEEVE!!!! 28/08/2022
Ultimate Singles
W1 | FOOD | 2 - 0 | Same |
North Tas Monthly #28 27/08/2022
WeeklyVac #112 24/08/2022
Enigma #62 22/08/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | DehDehBeh | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
Dancing Blade 24 20/08/2022
WeeklyVac #111 17/08/2022
Cheese League August 2022 - Ultimate 14/08/2022
Temple Smash #32 12/08/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Princess | 2 - 1 | Aloly |
W1 | WeToxicFew | 2 - 0 | Aloly |
BonusVac #12 12/08/2022
WeeklyVac #110 10/08/2022
CouchWarriors August Ranbat 2022 6/08/2022
WeeklyVac #109 3/08/2022
Super Barista Bros, Gorilla Gambit 31/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
L10 | Dmo | 3 - 0 | Shaoweater |
BonusVac #11 29/07/2022
WeeklyVac #108 27/07/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Tacotician | 2 - 0 | Coco |
EBS Ultimate #100 26/07/2022
Super Barista Bros, I just want to play Stray 24/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
L1 | aranciata | 2 - 0 | WayPastLate |
Phantom 2022 17/07/2022
Ultimate singles
W18 | metagh0st20XX | 2 - 1 | Queen |
L3 | Nichirin | 2 - 0 | Queen |
W2 | Lari | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
W1 | aranciata | 2 - 0 | WayPastLate |
BonusVac #10 15/07/2022
Battle Kat Bunker: The Phantom Hour 15/07/2022
Ultimate Singles
L1 | FOOD | 2 - 1 | Queen |
W2 | Heaven | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
Super Barista Bros, Ghostly Grind 14/07/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | gall.P | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
WeeklyVac #105 6/07/2022
BonusVac #9 1/07/2022
WeeklyVac #104 29/06/2022
Sundays @ Subi #1 26/06/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Alex!? | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
Friday Night Smash 306 24/06/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
W14 | Lainey | 2 - 1 | OrcaShmorka |
WeeklyVac #103 22/06/2022
BonusVac #8 17/06/2022
WeeklyVac #102 15/06/2022
Cheese League June 2022 - Ultimate 12/06/2022
StarForge #118 10/06/2022
WeeklyVac #101 8/06/2022
CouchWarriors June Ranbat 2022 4/06/2022
StarForge #116 27/05/2022
Roadside Rumble #97 26/05/2022
WeeklyVac #100 25/05/2022
Dancing Blade 21 21/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L4 | TheFakeOllie | 3 - 2 | Thegoras |
Roadside Rumble #96 19/05/2022
WeeklyVac #99.5 18/05/2022
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022]
WeeklyVac #99 11/05/2022
Okay this is Epping 6 7/05/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
South Australian Arcadian 2 30/04/2022
Super Barista Bros, I have no name for this one 💀 29/04/2022
Super Barista Bros, I have no name for this one 💀
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 91 27/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Avongarde | 2 - 0 | Speedrockstrong |
W1 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Speedrockstrong |
Pixel Smash #118 25/04/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L6 | JEANS | 3 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Super Barista Bros, Green Hill Zone 22/04/2022
WeeklyVac #96 20/04/2022
Smash @ The Goblin 5 16/04/2022
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 89 13/04/2022
UPOV 89 Redemption
L1 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Speedrockstrong |
W2 | Avongarde | 2 - 0 | Speedrockstrong |
Super Sunshine Smash 9 10/04/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
L6 | Wash | 3 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Super Barista Bros, The Rise of the Lasagna 10/04/2022
Ultimate Singles
L7 | Unfezant | 3 - 1 | Shaoweater |
L2 | metagh0st20XX | 2 - 0 | Skyreth |
BonusVac #3 8/04/2022
Temple Smash #19 8/04/2022
Enigma #46 4/04/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | steam buns | 2 - 1 | YukiDraco |
Sunshine Smash #84 31/03/2022
WeeklyVac #93 30/03/2022
Pixel Smash #114 28/03/2022
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L8 | Flow | 3 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Enigma #45 28/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | VARNAMi | 2 - 1 | steam buns |
TFC Locals - Event #18 19/03/2022
Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate 13/03/2022
Super Barista Bros, The Start of a Dynasty 13/03/2022
Ultimate Singles
L13 | Paristhecoolbat | 2 - 1 | Kon |
BonusVac #1 11/03/2022
Return of Roadside Rumble 10/03/2022
EBS Ultimate #85 8/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Flow | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
CouchWarriors March Ranbat 2022 6/03/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles
TFC Locals - Event #17 5/03/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Breadstick | 3 - 0 | Sayhnim |
The Sauce #37 28/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Thegoras | 2 - 0 | Miss Inputs |
Escape Portal Smashfest 23/02/22 23/02/2022
Pixel Smash #109 21/02/2022
The Sauce #35 14/02/2022
Enigma #40 14/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | steam buns | 2 - 1 | The Zacenator |
Escape Portal Smashfest 09/12/22 9/02/2022
Enigma #39 7/02/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Temper | 2 - 1 | steam buns |
Little Z's Big Bash 2 6/02/2022
Enigma #37 24/01/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | VARNAMi | 2 - 1 | steam buns |
Smash @ The Goblin 2 22/01/2022
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
L5 | Natsuki | 3 - 1 | YoursTruly |
W2 | YoursTruly | 2 - 0 | Natsuki |
Enigma #35 10/01/2022
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | steam buns | 2 - 1 | The Zacenator |
Wellington Ranbats 09/01/2022 9/01/2022
Smash Ultimate Bracket
W3 | LooseGoose | 2 - 0 | BRudeNot2 |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 80 22/12/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Avongarde | 2 - 0 | Speedrockstrong |
Roadside Rumble #80 16/12/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Escape Portal Smashfest 15/12/21 15/12/2021
Tropic Fights #2 11/12/2021
Super Barista Bros. Dinner For Four 5/12/2021
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 77 1/12/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Speedrockstrong | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
Super Barista Bros. Triple Cheese Special 28/11/2021
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2021 27/11/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
L3 | nate | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Enigma #30 22/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | steam buns | 2 - 1 | The Zacenator |
Enigma #29 15/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | kosc | 2 - 0 | steam buns |
Cheese League November 2021 - Ultimate 14/11/2021
EBS Ultimate #79 9/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Flow | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Pixel Smash #99 8/11/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L5 | Unreal Sora | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L4 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Naru |
L3 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Gravity |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | hansa |
W2 | Piggins | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | WhiteLatte |
Enigma #28 8/11/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | kosc | 2 - 1 | steam buns |
SBB Ammies 2 7/11/2021
SBB Ammies 2
L7 | chizzL | 2 - 0 | Shaoweater |
W5 | Ryan | 2 - 0 | Shaoweater |
W4 | Shaoweater | 2 - 0 | chizzL |
W2 | Shaoweater | 2 - 1 | metagh0st20XX |
Pixel Smash #98 1/11/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | Sim | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Water |
W2 | Naru | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Super Barista Bros 31/10/2021
Super Barista Bros
L5 | Fai | 2 - 0 | Shaoweater |
Friday Night Smash 281 29/10/2021
Friday Night Smash 277 1/10/2021
Murdoch Monthly - September 2021 (KOS) 26/09/2021
North Tas Monthly - September 25/09/2021
Ultimate Singles RR
W7 | Streetsy | 2 - 1 | MAXKing |
W5 | PlayingAround | 2 - 1 | MAXKing |
W4 | Jai2Go | 2 - 1 | MAXKing |
W3 | MAXKing | 2 - 0 | TassieDevl |
W2 | Mr. President | 2 - 0 | MAXKing |
W1 | MAXKing | 2 - 0 | sadlife |
Roadside Rumble #69 23/09/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Cheese League September 2021 - Ultimate 12/09/2021
Roadside Rumble #67 9/09/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Friday Night Smash 272 27/08/2021
Roadside Rumble #65 26/08/2021
Friday Night Smash 271 20/08/2021
Curtin Smashfest 11/08/21 11/08/2021
Curtin Smashfest 4/08/21 (Off Week) 4/08/2021
Pixel Smash #96 2/08/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L1 | Dimmie | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | w00tkins | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Hit the Lab #6 31/07/2021
TFC Locals - Event #13 31/07/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 74 28/07/2021
UPOV 74 Redemption Bracket
L2 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Ryuuji1901 |
TFC Locals - Weekly#10 23/07/2021
WeeklyVAC #64 14/07/2021
EBS Ultimate #78 13/07/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Khami | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | Ezycole | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Pixel Smash #95 12/07/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Ryzuul | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Derris-Kharlan |
W2 | RaZe | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Page |
BANC 11/07/2021
Super Smash Bros Ultimate [BANC] Bracket
L2 | dunkMATTic | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | El | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Super Sunshine Smash 5 10/07/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
L2 | Skitter | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Jobel |
W2 | Xav | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Temple Smash #4 9/07/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | WeToxicFew | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Deku Meister | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
WeeklyVAC #63 7/07/2021
EBS Ultimate #77 6/07/2021
Temple Smash #3 3/07/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Duon | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | Mik15 | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 70 30/06/2021
Pixel Smash #93 28/06/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | Radio | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Nova |
W1 | Dear_info | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Pixel Smash #92 21/06/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Dogivet | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Gravity |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Chok_B |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Marlon |
North Tas Monthly - June 19/06/2021
Roadside Rumble #55 17/06/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
Pixel Smash #91 14/06/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Sandman | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Greenhood |
W2 | Piggins | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Temple Smash #2 12/06/2021
Ultimate Singles Main Bracket
L2 | w00tkins | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | grub | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 67 9/06/2021
Central Sydney Skirmish 16 7/06/2021
Central Sydney Skirmish 15 31/05/2021
CSS 15 Ammies
WeeklyVAC #57 26/05/2021
Pixel Smash #90 24/05/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L4 | Dogivet | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L3 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Pastra |
W2 | P9 | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | ACE |
Central Sydney Skirmish 14 24/05/2021
Central Sydney Skirmish 14
L7 | Ryan | 3 - 2 | Shaoweater |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 64 19/05/2021
Smash-Net #99 16/05/2021
Ultimate Singles
L7 | AlastairBL | 3 - 1 | LunaFrost |
L6 | AlastairBL | 3 - 2 | IcyK |
Roadside Rumble #50 13/05/2021
EBS Ultimate #74 11/05/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L3 | Danklin | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | homer |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Phyco |
W2 | Dr Omega | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | sethpls |
Pixel Smash #88 10/05/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | Rren | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Revax | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Revival of Ballarat 8/05/2021
Ultimate singles
GF | dunkMATTic | 3 - 2 | DanInRealLife |
GF | DanInRealLife | 3 - 1 | dunkMATTic |
L6 | DanInRealLife | 3 - 2 | TheListerMr |
W4 | dunkMATTic | 3 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W3 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Wazikamawata |
W2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | HiImAiden |
Sunshine Smash #72 6/05/2021
Smash Ultimate Bracket
L2 | MasterofDisaster | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | Lboss |
W2 | Yuusha | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
EBS Ultimate #73 4/05/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Mavrek | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Ezycole | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Super Sunshine Smash 4 1/05/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
L5 | VineGreen | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | sfish |
W2 | Duon | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Nasty |
GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #44 29/04/2021
EBS Ultimate #72 27/04/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L1 | Vegabus | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Saikou | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
South Australia Arcadian 24/04/2021
Battle Kat Comeback 18/04/2021
Central Sydney Skirmish 9 12/04/2021
Cheese League April 2021 - Ultimate 11/04/2021
Curtin Smashfest 31/03/21 1/04/2021
Sunshine Smash #67 1/04/2021
Smash Ultimate Bracket
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Nerpna |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | BigChilli |
W2 | Aya | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Wellington Ranbats 28/03/2021 28/03/2021
Smash Ultimate Bracket
L2 | LunaFrost | 2 - 0 | stellarriffic |
Guf n' Watch #3 @ GUF Bendigo 28/03/2021
SeaSideSmash #16 27/03/2021
Friday Night Smash 253 19/03/2021
WeeklyVAC #46 3/03/2021
Curtin Smashfest 24/02/21 24/02/2021
Pixel Smash #77 22/02/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
W2 | Princess | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
The Sauce #11 22/02/2021
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Empyrical |
W4 | Glace | 3 - 1 | MAMP |
Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate 14/02/2021
WeeklyVAC #43 10/02/2021
Friday Night Smash 247 5/02/2021
EBS Ultimate #61 2/02/2021
Friday Night Smash 246 29/01/2021
Dancing Blade 10 23/01/2021
Dancing Blade #10 Redemption Bracket
L3 | Thegoras | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
Pixel Smash #73 19/01/2021
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L4 | Princess | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L3 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Tekk |
W2 | Extra | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
W1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
Smash @ Sunshine #59 18/01/2021
SunshineSmash Bracket
L3 | Zaki | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
L2 | Unreal Sora | 2 - 0 | Ezycole |
W1 | nate | 2 - 1 | Unreal Sora |
North Tas Monthly Smash Ultimate - January 16/01/2021
Friday Night Smash 244 15/01/2021
Super Sunshine Smash 10/01/2021
Smash Ultimate Singles
L3 | dunkMATTic | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
L2 | Unreal Sora | 2 - 1 | CattMatt |
W1 | Yuusha | 2 - 0 | Unreal Sora |
GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #28 7/01/2021
Smash @ Sunshine #58 4/01/2021
SunshineSmash Bracket
L2 | Static | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L1 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | muppets |
W1 | homer | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
GVP FGC Christmas Battles 2020 27/12/2020
Pixel Smash #69 22/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Revax | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | jamebs |
W1 | Dogivet | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Pissmas 2 20/12/2020
Roadside Rumble #32 17/12/2020
WeeklyVAC #39 16/12/2020
Ultimate WeeklyVac #39 (16/12/20)
L3 | Spewis | 2 - 0 | Zekora |
W3 | Ferrero Rocher | 2 - 1 | Spewis |
W2 | Spewis | 2 - 1 | Tacotician |
Smash @ Sunshine #56 14/12/2020
SunshineSmash Bracket
GF | Deku Meister | 3 - 2 | DD |
W5 | DD | 3 - 0 | MasterofDisaster |
W4 | DD | 3 - 1 | Deku Meister |
W3 | DD | 2 - 0 | Sandman |
W2 | DD | 2 - 0 | Troongy |
Dungeon.Exe 6 12/12/2020
Smash Saturday Returns @ Dungeon.exe 1v1's Bracket
W2 | P9 | 2 - 0 | Callstev |
Roadside Rumble #31 10/12/2020
Pixel Smash #67 8/12/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Naru | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 0 | Lis |
W1 | Murkiri | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
Smashmas 5/12/2020
Ultimate Singles Pools
W3 | BattleDolphin | 2 - 0 | BshortZ |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 42 25/11/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
L2 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 0 | Fetch |
Pixel Smash #65 Outdoor Edition 24/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L3 | Princess | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
L2 | DanInRealLife | 2 - 1 | homer |
W1 | Earl | 2 - 0 | Pudge |
W1 | Radio | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
The Sauce #2 16/11/2020
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Thegoras | 2 - 0 | Miss Inputs |
Pixel Smash #63 Outside Test Event 10/11/2020
Pixel SMASH Bracket
L2 | drinkwater | 2 - 1 | DanInRealLife |
W2 | Piski | 2 - 0 | DanInRealLife |
Roadside Rumble #26 5/11/2020
Roadside Rumble #26
W3 | Trucks | 3 - 2 | Jai2Go |
W2 | Jai2Go | 3 - 2 | Mr. President |
WeeklyVAC #36 4/11/2020
Curtin Smashfest 05/11 4/11/2020
Roadside Rumble #25 29/10/2020
Roadside Rumble #25
Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate 25/10/2020
Dancing Blade 8 24/10/2020
Roadside Rumble #24 22/10/2020
WeeklyVAC #34 21/10/2020
Ultimate WeeklyVac #34 (21/10/20)
WeeklyVAC #33 14/10/2020
Ultimate WeeklyVac #33 (14/10/20)
Roadside Rumble #22 8/10/2020
Curtin Smashfest 07/10 7/10/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 7th October Bracket
L1 | Pickles | 2 - 0 | Cosmik |
W1 | Nostromo Cult | 2 - 1 | Cosmik |
Curtin Smashfest 30/09 30/09/2020
Christchurch Ranbats 2020 #8 26/09/2020
Curtin Smashfest 23/09 23/09/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 23rd September Bracket
L2 | JayVoltage | 2 - 0 | Cosmik |
L1 | Cosmik | 2 - 0 | magoo_ |
W2 | Ttam | 2 - 0 | Cosmik |
W1 | Cosmik | 2 - 0 | PickleWick |
Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #1 20/09/2020
Roadside Rumble #19 17/09/2020
Roadside Rumble #19
W2 | Diesel Booster | 3 - 0 | Mr. President |
Curtin Smashfest 16/09 16/09/2020
Roadside Rumble #18 10/09/2020
Roadside Rumble #18
W4 | Trucks | 3 - 1 | Mr. President |
Curtin Smashfest 09/09 9/09/2020
Curtin Smashfest 02/09 2/09/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 2nd September Bracket
Smash at Sorrento #22 1/09/2020
Smash at Sorrento #22
L3 | butlerskatepark | 2 - 0 | Glaceon |
Curtin Smashfest 26/08 26/08/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 26th August Bracket
Curtin Smashfest 19/08 19/08/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 19th August Bracket
Roadside Rumble #13 6/08/2020
Roadside Rumble #12 30/07/2020
GVP FGC Thursday Night Battles #4 23/07/2020
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Singles Bracket
Roadside Rumble #11 23/07/2020
Smash at Sorrento #16 21/07/2020
BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 03 19/07/2020
Roadside Rumble #10 16/07/2020
Roadside Rumble #10
L3 | Phoebe | 2 - 1 | SCOTT REID |
Curtin Smashfest 15/07 15/07/2020
Curtin Smashfest - 15th July Bracket
BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 02 12/07/2020
North Tas Monthly #8 5/07/2020
Smash-Net #80 28/06/2020
BKB SMUSH RETURNS?!? 28/06/2020
L1 | Kon | 2 - 0 | BattleKatBunker |
Pixel Smash #60 22/06/2020
Dungeon.Exe 4 6/06/2020
Smash Saturday 4 @ Dungeon.exe Bracket
W2 | P9 | 3 - 2 | Salmonella |
Smash Sessions #1 14/05/2020
Dungeon.Exe 3 21/03/2020
Dungeon.exe smash Saturday 3
W3 | P9 | 3 - 0 | Salmonella |
Roadside Rumble #8 12/03/2020
Smash @ Sunshine #54 9/03/2020
SunshineSmash Bracket
W4 | iB | 3 - 2 | Cygnus (2017) |
Phantom 2020 7/03/2020
Phantom Redemption bracket
Sub-Zero Scuffle 7/03/2020
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 36 4/03/2020
Roadside Rumble #6 27/02/2020
Starforge: Underground 18 23/02/2020
Ultimate Singles
Couchwarriors Feburary Ranbat 2020 22/02/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles
L1 | Fidilduck | 2 - 0 | SwerveFrog |
Roadside Rumble #5 20/02/2020
Pixel Smash #53 17/02/2020
L1 | Kimah | 2 - 0 | SlimJimmy |
Cheese League February 2020 16/02/2020
North Tas Monthly #5 16/02/2020
Roadside Rumble #4 13/02/2020
P1 | Jai2Go | 2 - 0 | Diesel Booster |
WeeklyVac #25 12/02/2020
Roadside Rumble #3 6/02/2020
WeeklyVAC #24 5/02/2020
Roadside Rumble #2 30/01/2020
WeeklyVac #23 29/01/2020
Star Forge #106 28/01/2020
Friday Night Smash 237 24/01/2020
Evac January 2020 24/01/2020
Roadside Rumble #1 23/01/2020
Pixel Smash #49 20/01/2020
L1 | Cyanide | 2 - 1 | Skinny_Pat |
W2 | Shen | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
W1 | Skinny_Pat | 2 - 0 | avacado |
Starforge: Underground 17 19/01/2020
Ultimate Singles
L3 | Junglist Massive | 2 - 0 | charies |
North Tas Monthly #4 19/01/2020
Working Title #2 16/01/2020
Fighting Game Monthlies January x Dancing Blade 11/01/2020
GEEVO 16 11/01/2020
Friday Night Smash 235 10/01/2020
Friday Night Smash 235
L2 | MetaBhreat | 2 - 0 | Mr. Possum |
Super Smashin Thursdays 62 9/01/2020
Super Smashin Thursdays #62 - SSBUltimate
W4 | Doctor A.Ness | 2 - 0 | Beet |
Good Games Cannington #13 9/01/2020
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Working Title #1 9/01/2020
WeeklyVac #21 8/01/2020
Smashing Day 26/12/2019
Battle Hall #48 19/12/2019
Star Forge #103 17/12/2019
EBS Ultimate #50 17/12/2019
Couchwarriors Crossup 2 14/12/2019
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
L3 | Falchion | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
W2 | Booper | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 31 11/12/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #42 7/12/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village Season 1 Championship 4/12/2019
ANUFGC Season 1 Redemption Bracket
L6 | Bloom | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
W4 | Boghara Stroganov | 2 - 1 | Bloom |
W2 | Bloom | 2 - 0 | DarkSlayer |
W1 | Bloom | 2 - 0 | Cryptic |
Dancing Blade 5 30/11/2019
Tuesday Night Fights 49 26/11/2019
Star Forge Underground #16 24/11/2019
Smash-Net #72 24/11/2019
AGS Ultimate Showdown 18/11/2019
AGS 18.11.12
L7 | Shaoweater | 3 - 2 | Ryan |
W2 | Kon | 2 - 0 | WSU | TheSackRat |
Wellington Ranbats 17/11/2019 17/11/2019
Cheese League November 2019 17/11/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Coolade | 2 - 0 | Infoxicated |
Star Forge #99 12/11/2019
Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average 10/11/2019
VIC Arcadian Singles
Never Stand Still Arcadian 9/11/2019
Arcadian of the Arcadian (Ammies Bracket)
Friday Night Smash 226 8/11/2019
Star Forge #98 5/11/2019
Smash @ UniSA #6 3/11/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 30 30/10/2019
Star Forge #97 29/10/2019
Star Forge #97
L2 | Kon | 2 - 1 | CheMarama |
L1 | Kon | 2 - 0 | Stanlelele |
Star Forge Underground #15 27/10/2019
Couchwarriors October Ranbat 2019 26/10/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
L1 | Cyanide | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
W1 | nate | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
W3 | Kon | 2 - 1 | WhitePointer |
W2 | Kon | 2 - 0 | Angel |
North Tas Monthly #3 26/10/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 29 23/10/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Thegoras | 2 - 0 | Miss Inputs |
Star Forge #96 22/10/2019
Super Smashin Thursday 48 10/10/2019
Super Smashin Thursdays #48 - SSBUltimate PLAYOFFS
W1 | Beet | 2 - 0 | Big Cliff |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 27 9/10/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village #27 Redemption
W4 | Ants | 2 - 0 | Miss Inputs |
Ultimate Singles Bracket
WeeklyVAC #13 9/10/2019
Friday Night Smash 221 4/10/2019
Friday Night Smash 221 Redemption
L5 | conso | 2 - 1 | BattleDolphin |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 26 2/10/2019
Pop-off Village #26 Redemption
W2 | Miss Inputs | 2 - 1 | 6000j |
Star Forge Underground #14 29/09/2019
Ultimate Singles
Couchwarriors September Ranbat 2019 29/09/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
L1 | MothCoats | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
W1 | Timic83 | 2 - 0 | Skinny_Pat |
EBS Ultimate #39 24/09/2019
Smash Bash @GGEZ September 21/09/2019
Pixel Smash #31 16/09/2019
Currumbin RSL#16 16/09/2019
Smash @ Sunshine #31 9/09/2019
CouchWarriors QLD September 2019 Ranbat 7/09/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Pools
W5 | theninja420 | 2 - 0 | SnowiestAngeman |
W1 | Delve | 2 - 0 | SnowiestAngeman |
Star Forge #89 3/09/2019
Smash-Net #66 1/09/2019
Star Forge #88 27/08/2019
Star Forge #88
L3 | Oliman | 2 - 0 | Freelandor |
L2 | Oliman | 2 - 0 | Bleakk |
W3 | EmanSaur | 2 - 1 | Freelandor |
W2 | Olag | 2 - 1 | Oliman |
Star Forge Underground #13 25/08/2019
Couchwarriors August Ranbat 2019 24/08/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 22 21/08/2019
WeeklyVAC #6 21/08/2019
EBS Ultimate #34 20/08/2019
Cheese League Round 8 18/08/2019
W1 | Kon | 2 - 0 | Coach Calves |
GUF Geelong Ultimate #35 14/08/2019
Guf Geelong #34
EBS Ultimate #33 13/08/2019
Ultimate Singles
Wellington Ranbats 11/08/2019 11/08/2019
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 20 7/08/2019
Star Forge #85 6/08/2019
Star Forge Underground #12 28/07/2019
CouchWarriors QLD July 2019 Ranbat 27/07/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
L1 | Joe Fast | 2 - 1 | SnowiestAngeman |
Couch Warriors Ranbat July 2019 27/07/2019
Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 29 (FINAL) 25/07/2019
Curtin Smashfest 24/07/2019 24/07/2019
Smash-Net #63 21/07/2019
Coastal Clash 3 21/07/2019
Coastal Clash 3 Amateur
Knockout Gong 5 20/07/2019
Wollongong FGC Knockout Gong 5 Ultimate Singles
W1 | Kon | 2 - 1 | Mckoi |
Ultimate Pop-Off Village 18 17/07/2019
Star Forge Arcadian 2 14/07/2019
Arcadian Singles
Canberra Fighting Game Monthly July 13/07/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
W1 | Thegoras | 2 - 1 | Miss Inputs |
Currumbin RSL#6 8/07/2019
Smash-Net #62 7/07/2019
BigWinChampionship 2 6/07/2019
Auckland Ranbats 2019 Round 8 6/07/2019
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bracket
L1 | iBexal | 2 - 0 | Boy_Next_DARK |
W1 | iBexal | 2 - 1 | Muso |
Stratagem Sunday Smash #3 30/06/2019
CouchWarriors QLD June Ranbat 29/06/2019
Smash @ the Jack 16 27/06/2019
Smash @ the Jack 16
W3 | Toketchan | 3 - 0 | TheJazzyman |
Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 23/06/2019
Couchwarriors June Ranbat 2019 22/06/2019
Crush Counter Capital 2019 22/06/2019
CCC2019 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
W3 | BRudeNot2 | 2 - 0 | dingdongkid |
EBS Ultimate #24 11/06/2019
Cheese League Round 6 9/06/2019
EVAC June 2019 7/06/2019
Curtin Smashfest 05/06/2019 5/06/2019
Curtin Smashfest 5th June
W2 | Nabnut | 2 - 0 | Temper |
W1 | Temper | 2 - 0 | acethegamer |
BigWinSmash: Ultimate Showdown #6 1/06/2019
Star Forge #76 28/05/2019
EBS Ultimate #22 28/05/2019
BAM 11 18/05/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
L7 | Junglist Massive | 2 - 0 | Ledge |
L5 | Junglist Massive | 2 - 1 | Rust |
L4 | Junglist Massive | 2 - 1 | Sir Banana |
L3 | Junglist Massive | 2 - 0 | Angelican |
W3 | MapleMage | 2 - 0 | Junglist Massive |
L3 | Dampé | 2 - 0 | Christolaki |
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #16 18/05/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #16
W1 | Kon | 2 - 0 | Mits |
Hambats 2019 2.1 18/05/2019
Smash-Net #59 12/05/2019
ACT Smash Bros Monthly Tournament May 11/05/2019
Star Forge #73 7/05/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #15 4/05/2019
Regal Smash 2 4/05/2019
Tuesday Night Fights 19 30/04/2019
Tuesday Night Fights 19
GF | McJobo | 3 - 1 | BattleDolphin |
W4 | McJobo | 3 - 1 | Cajeck |
W3 | McJobo | 3 - 1 | Vye |
W2 | McJobo | 3 - 2 | BattleDolphin |
Smash @ Bunjil Place 28/04/2019
Ultimate Singles Bracket
W2 | Booper | 2 - 0 | B-MoJ |
Star Forge #72 23/04/2019
Friday Night Smash 197 19/04/2019
Friday Night Smash 197
Windbox #9 14/04/2019
Friday Night Smash 196 12/04/2019
Friday Night Smash 196
Friday Night Fights Season 2 Week 1 12/04/2019
Wollongong Season 2 FNF 1
W4 | Truth | 3 - 0 | Junglist Massive |
Cheese League Round 4 7/04/2019
Expand Gong 4 5/04/2019
Star Forge #68 2/04/2019
Pixel Smash #7 1/04/2019
Smash @ UniSA #1 31/03/2019
Tuesday Night Fights 14 26/03/2019
Super Smashin Thursdays 19 21/03/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #8 16/03/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #8
W2 | SteveGuy86 | 2 - 0 | Kon |
Star Forge #65 12/03/2019
GEEVO 6 9/03/2019
EVAC March 2019 8/03/2019
Star Forge #64 5/03/2019
Next Level Games Dandenong #9 3/03/2019
Friday Night Smash 190 1/03/2019
Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition 1/03/2019
Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition
Star Forge Underground #7 24/02/2019
W3 | Doctor A.Ness | 2 - 0 | NINjA |
W3 | Killy | 2 - 0 | Scarpian |
W2 | Scarpian | 2 - 1 | Enn |
W1 | Scarpian | 2 - 1 | IntenseQuack |
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #6 23/02/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #6
Friday Night Fights Season 1 Week 7 Gong 22/02/2019
Friday Night Fights Ultimate singles week 7
Star Forge #62 19/02/2019
Star Forge 62
W1 | Kon | 2 - 0 | Divine_Dust |
Knockout Gong 1 16/02/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #5 16/02/2019
Super Smashin Thursdays 14 14/02/2019
Super Smashin Thursdays 14 - Ultimate Singles
L4 | The Chuckstah | 2 - 1 | Ulticow |
Star Forge #61 12/02/2019
Star Forge 61
Smash by the Beach 14 10/02/2019
Star Forge #60 5/02/2019
Larry’s Ultimate Blast Zone #1 2/02/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
Friday Night Smash 186 1/02/2019
Friday Night Smash 186
L1 | SilvaComet | 2 - 1 | Fenno |
W1 | Rainth | 2 - 0 | Fenno |
Thursday Night Fights #2 1/02/2019
Star Forge #59 29/01/2019
Couchwarriors Jan 2019 27/01/2019
Smash Ultimate Singles
L4 | The Bamboozler | 2 - 0 | 404 |
Nekocards Ultimate #4 25/01/2019
Smash @ the Jack 5 24/01/2019
Super Smashin Thursdays 11 24/01/2019
Smash-Net #53 20/01/2019
Smash-Net 53: Ultimate Singles 20/01/2019
W1 | ChunChun | 2 - 0 | pap5er |
Smash by the Beach 13 19/01/2019
Hornsby Smash Ultimate #2 19/01/2019
Tuesday Night Fights 4 15/01/2019
EBS Ultimate #4 15/01/2019
Stay Smashed January 2019 13/01/2019
Stayed Smashed January 2019 Singles
Star Forge Overground 13/01/2019
Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 3 9/01/2019
Guf Geelong Ultimate #4 9/01/2019
GUF Ultimate 4
Star Forge #56 8/01/2019
Star Forge 56
W2 | SuperHiero | 2 - 1 | Matter |
W1 | Shmu | 2 - 0 | Cake168 |
EBS Ultimate #3 8/01/2019
FGM January 2019 6/01/2019
Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros 5/01/2019
First Round Fisticuffs #2 5/01/2019
Ultimate Singles
L2 | Mk0 | 2 - 0 | SuperHiero |
W2 | Naomi Campbelltown | 2 - 0 | SuperHiero |
W1 | SuperHiero | 2 - 0 | Athesies |
Friday Night Smash 182 4/01/2019
EVAC January 2019 4/01/2019
Friday Night Smash 181 28/12/2018
Nekocards Ultimate #2 28/12/2018
Couchwarriors QLD December Ranbat 22/12/2018
CouchWarriors Queensland Dec Ranbat Ultimate Amateurs
L2 | Wildermold | 2 - 0 | Scrail |
W1 | Scrail | 2 - 0 | Narcissus |
Tuesday Night Fights 2 18/12/2018
Tuesday Night Fights 2
L1 | sam gregg | 2 - 1 | boingboing |
Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate 16/12/2018
Smash by the Beach 12 Amateurs
Revival of SA #6 16/12/2018
World of Fight 1 16/12/2018
CouchWarriors Crossup 15/12/2018
Friday Night Smash 179 14/12/2018
Friday Night Smash 179 Redemption
Friday Night Smash 179
Tuesday Night Fights 1 11/12/2018
Tuesday Night Fights 1
L4 | McJobo | 3 - 1 | Bigfatelli |
EBS Ultimate #1 11/12/2018
Brisbane Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Launch Party 7/12/2018
UQU Esports Ultimate Launch Party
L9 | Luminescent | 3 - 0 | Crimson |
L8 | Crimson | 3 - 1 | Flex |
L5 | ClassicJono | 2 - 1 | G |